Besides creating an experience-based learning process for our colleagues and making their continuous development tangible, the revolutionary new approach of G4B presents our corporate values from a perspective that puts the individual into focus.
With the online, gamified solution by G4B, we have claimed international fame in online recruitment, and we manage to get much deeper messages and information across to our target group, which has helped us attract close to twice the number of applicants for our job offers since Multipoly has been available.
PwC needed a better way to attract a more diverse group of candidates. Multipoly provided us with an opportunity to reach more candidates. … It is a simple solution that people are attracted to and that’s really helping us.
The Games for Business learning platform gave us the unique opportunity to provide dry training materials to our colleagues packaged into a gamified environment, which they really liked, so we have decided to expand the system with trainings for additional departments.
I enjoy applying the G4B learning platform because it brings a completely fresh and unique approach into our organization. I whole-heartedly recommend the team behind this solution!
...that 1% of a typical workweek is all that employees have to focus on training and development?
...37% of the global workforce was expected to be “mobile” at the end of 2015?
(Deloitte, 2014)
...over 20% of workforce is comprised of temps, contractors, and freelancers?
(Deloitte, 2014)
...people increasingly turn to their smartphones to find just-in-time answers to unexpected problems?
(Deloitte, 2014) learn what they need for their jobs, over 70% of employees access search engines compared to 50-60% who turn to online courses?
(Deloitte, 2014)
...62% of IT professionals report having paid for training out of their own pockets?
(Deloitte, 2014)
...playing video games develops the working memory, improves spatial navigation, strategic planning and motor performance?
(Charité University)
...the gamification in e-learning software and application market is expected to reach $319 billion by 2020?
(Mind Commerce, 2015)
...that for 76% of staff the motivation to learn online is to do their jobs faster and better?
(Towards Maturity Benchmark survey, 2015)
...that top deck L&D organizations are 3 times more likely to report benefits related to efficiency and business process improvement?
(Towards Maturity Benchmark survey, 2015)
...that top deck L&D organizations are 5 times more likely to report benefits related to productivity and business responsiveness?
(Towards Maturity Benchmark survey, 2015)
...that top deck L&D organizations are 8 times more likely to report benefits related to culture, such as learning engagement and experimental learning?
(Towards Maturity Benchmark survey, 2015)
...that for every 1000 employees companies are losing 13.5 million dollars per year due to ineffective training?
(Grovo, 2015)
...that 62% of HR managers believe that they are not doing a good job meeting the learner’s needs?
(ATD Research, 2015)
...that 74% of employees felt that they weren't achieving their full potential at work due to lack of development opportunities?
(Middlesex University, 2012)
...that 1 in 3 people leave their organization within the first year, and 66% of them leave within the first 6 weeks of employment?
(PwC, 2006)
...that job-related training and development opportunities directly influence the decisions of 7 out of 10 employees whether to stay with their company?
(CED, 2015)
...that 1 the cost of losing an employee in the first year can be up to 3 times the person’s salary?
(PwC, 2006)